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Came to play this again doing a different route, inquired about Inverse’s sexuality, and oh my god, I finally have words for what I am. I’m aro-ace-spec. Dear god, that’s too many dashes for a guy’s sexuality.


This was awesome! Somehow, I managed to reach the endgame in a state where what I had could get every possible ending, and I just played naturally, so even if it isn’t hard to do (really don’t know), it still feels pretty cool! I hope you have/will create(d) a longer game, cause this one, I beat in under an hour, and I’d love to see something that unravels a bit slower, perhaps even in this setting! Heck, you could create something of an anthology series of games in this world, of varied lengths, if you wanted! (Note: key to this is “if you wanted”, because honestly, if you don’t want to, your heart may not be in it, which will hurt the quality, and be un-fun for you.) But hey, that’s just the opinion of a pretty easily pleased young man. Still, I enjoyed it, and I think my biggest issue with it is that there isn’t more, so, you know, good job!

Dear heavens, I really do ramble, huh? lol


Thank you so much for the pronoun options and asexual representation! It means a lot to me and made me really happy!


Ah, thanks! It's something I wanted to include early on. I particularly wanted to have it so choosing not to have sex didn't mean the scene just gets cut short.


kinky cyberpunk games for the win

Download is missing.


Ah, I hadn't had a downloadable version set up, as maintaining an offline executable can be really time consuming. I have added an HTML file to the downloads just to make it less confusing, although keep in mind that it requires browser internet access to use.

Thank you! I already have Joiplay on Android, so a downloadable Html is perfect for offline use.

Thank you again.   😁


Liked it, too bad the content of ending 2 was short :P


Oh, could probably work at expanding it, was planning on adding one more ending (sort of, furniture bondage themed) down the line but I can also give the other stuff another pass, too.


Ending 6 has big "I saw the true ending of We Know The Devil and wanted to make it hornier" energy.


Ummmm, did you get the rights to use cyberpunk name?

Like isn't it copy right?

I am just wondering.


Cyberpunk is a genre that predates the Cyberpunk 2077 game.


hon, the term cyberpunk is a genre term from 1983. names aren't copyrightable (in the US and most other countries).

It is a registered trademark, but i doubt anyone really wants to try to make a solid case that this game is being falsely represented as a licensed product affiliated with R. Talsorian Games or CD Projekt Red.


"...cannot copyright words that are widely used by the general lexicon of a given language..."

Basically, even if "cyberpunk" were copyrighted, it can't be copyrighted anymore. It's too widely used as a generic term, like "mayo".

Oops.  😂


I've really enjoyed this! Gotten 4 endings, all interesting! I played Clothing & Alterations right before this, so I decided to try playing w/o hints on. Very fun to stumble into different endings like that haha. (And I trusted the author to know how to write respectfully. Nothing made me uneasy, even when detailing events involving kinks I'm not really into.)

This world and it's characters are so cool! Love how gay and horny everyone is, including Syn. It's awesome to play a kinky game where the main character is just as freaky and eager as the others! :~)

[very vague spoilers]

And after GoneDaddy's ending, Em's message that says "that's so fucking awesome!" Made me go 'aww' out loud. I love how gay, horny, *and* supportive everyone is. 

I can't see a download

Ah, this one is playable in browser, I do hope the art book comes as part of the bundle (that was my intention) but if it's not, DM me on Twitter and I can send it to you.

Damn, i can't run the game in browser i'm afraid :( 

What's your web browser? Can you try a different one?

It's not due to the browser, it's due to the security measures my company mandates for devices you work from home from. I cant have anything run through a browser because of it (among other things).

(1 edit)

I'm guessing the issue is the embed part, if you're able to run stuff via download? I'll add in a downloadable HTML version, if that helps.

EDIT: It should be available now.

Getting an error message when I try to play:

Apologies! A fatal error has occurred. Aborting.

Error: no valid storage adapters found.

Stack Trace:





Is that upon starting the game? Does it work in other browsers?

Please, is it possible to add another payment method for the bundle on sale?

Another payment method?

Deleted 3 years ago

Yes please

I don't understand what you mean by another payment method, sorry.

(1 edit)

The only payment method there is PayPal. I was asking if you can add another way to purchase the bundle. Like payment with card

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I'm lost, I keep ending up at the final option choice, which way my character dies. I found the tainted (impregnated with eggs) scene but nothing after that. Is that all for right now?

For now with tainted aspect, yes, but planning an update very soon.

Wanting to get feedback for what people want to see with the ending content for it, first.

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if possible. Make it a second big event, spread it infect the city.

Deleted 3 years ago

Have just released it now, and it should work with pre-existing games (no reset required.)


Really loved this game <3
It's so full of content, it's incredible 🤯
(also the hints feature is an excellent design idea)


Thank you so much for this comment, it really means a lot.


Excellent universe and athmosphere. Sexy and kinky, and it all feels like a natural inclusion to flesh out the world and the characters.

Loved it!


Among the many moral dilemmas, "Horny vs Revolutionary" was my favourite!

Definitely worth a second playthrough to find some different endings, I suspect.


Going to create a new discourse in games: "Is Null Event presenting Horny and Revolutionary as opposite?"


Not so much "opposite" as "not always aligning perfectly as motivations" XD

(1 edit) (+5)

Yeah, a neat cyber-punk mystery, elevated greatly by Rana's usual high standard of writing.


Thank you so much. ¥_^


A great cyberpunk game, with a cool mystery, and plenty of kink. A super fun experience all around. 


A warm, funny, and sometimes sexy cyberpunk game that really understands both the 'cyber' and the 'punk.'


"Cyber" is when everything is 90s sci-fi for some reason.